Step 1: Register

Open your trading account with

Step 2: Verify

Upload your documents to verify your account

Step 3: Fund

Log into and fund your account

Step 4: Trade

Choose your favorite instruments and trade on major markets


Dual platform access (CAPEX WebTrader / CAPEX Mobile App)

Support Monday to Thursday from 7:00 AM GMT to 01:00 AM GMT. Friday from 7:00 AM till 00:00 AM.

Demo account

Daily market reviews & financial research

Daily Analyst Ratings* (*third party provider)

Video Library Access

Full Access

Dedicated Account Representative

daily weekdays

Open access to research

Special Trading conditions

Trading Central

Trading Central - SMS notification

One-to-One meetings with Account Representative



Dual platform access (CAPEX WebTrader / CAPEX Mobile App)

Support Monday to Thursday from 7:00 AM GMT to 01:00 AM GMT. Friday from 7:00 AM till 00:00 AM.

Demo account

Daily market reviews & financial research

Daily Analyst Ratings* (*third party provider)

Video Library Access

Limited Access

Dedicated Account Representative

2 days/week

Open access to research

Special Trading conditions

Trading Central

Trading Central - SMS notification

One-to-One meetings with Account Representative



Dual platform access (CAPEX WebTrader / CAPEX Mobile App)

Support Monday to Thursday from 7:00 AM GMT to 01:00 AM GMT. Friday from 7:00 AM till 00:00 AM.

Demo account

Daily market reviews & financial research

Daily Analyst Ratings* (*third party provider)

Video Library Access

Limited Access

Dedicated Account Representative

3 days/week

Open access to research

Special Trading conditions

Trading Central

Trading Central - SMS notification

One-to-One meetings with Account Representative



Dual platform access (CAPEX WebTrader / CAPEX Mobile App)

Support Monday to Thursday from 7:00 AM GMT to 01:00 AM GMT. Friday from 7:00 AM till 00:00 AM.

Demo account

Daily market reviews & financial research

Daily Analyst Ratings* (*third party provider)

Video Library Access

Full Access

Dedicated Account Representative

daily weekdays

Open access to research

Special Trading conditions

Trading Central

Trading Central - SMS notification

One-to-One meetings with Account Representative



Dual platform access (CAPEX WebTrader / CAPEX Mobile App)

Support Monday to Thursday from 7:00 AM GMT to 01:00 AM GMT. Friday from 7:00 AM till 00:00 AM.

Demo account

Daily market reviews & financial research

Daily Analyst Ratings* (*third party provider)

Video Library Access

Limited Access

Dedicated Account Representative

2 days/week

Open access to research

Special Trading conditions

Trading Central

Trading Central - SMS notification

One-to-One meetings with Account Representative


The minimum amount required for opening a trading account is $100.